Dr. Hamdi Sheibani is Dean of the College of Engineering and Director of the Office of Academic Integrity. He joined Abu Dhabi University (ADU) in 2012 as Founding Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department. He later served as the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Before joining ADU, Dr. Sheibani held key administrative positions in the United Arab Emirates - Provost, Dean of Engineering, and Chair of Industrial Engineering. He was also a faculty member at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, before coming to the UAE.
Before joining academia, Dr. Sheibani enjoyed a career as a mechanical engineer for international firms including Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Company in the USA, and Brown and Root Limited in Libya.
Drawing on his extensive experience gained across the USA, Canada, and the Middle East, Dr. Sheibani has been prominent in promoting higher education and raising ADU’s profile through his contributions to curriculum development, ABET international accreditations, faculty research, and student-led initiatives.
He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Victoria, Canada, a Master in Mechanical Engineering and BSc in Mechanical Engineering, both from Clarkson University, New York, and a BSc in Mathematics from St. Michael’s College, Vermont, USA. He is a strong advocate for excellence in education and research and is a co-author of a book chapter on crystal growth, which is also the focus of his research interests including the growth of single crystals, transport phenomena in crystal growth, crystal growth from solution and melt, semiconductors, modelling, and numerical simulation.