Whether you are a current or prospective student, you are likely to have questions about studying at Abu Dhabi University.
The sections below answer some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) relating to university life and selected category to make your search easier. If you cannot find the answer to your specific question, please call us on 600-550003 or call in to one of our four campuses across the UAE.
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ADU Registration - FAQs
Frequently asked questions under the category of registration at ADU
Our primary mission is to facilitate your academic experience from the first year of study until graduation. We strive to make your academic journey as rewarding and enjoyable as possible.
There is an average of 30 students per class.
Yes. ADU has many working students. We offer morning, afternoon and evening classes to cater to working students.
When a student’s absence in a course reaches or exceeds 30%, they will be withdrawn from the course. Absences will not be disregarded under any circumstances.
Identify the list of courses to be taken each semester to satisfy the requirements of your program and register online at the beginning of each semester through our MyADU student portal.
Undergraduate students must complete the following number of credit hours per semester:
- A minimum of 12 (twelve) credit hours for full-time undergraduate students.
- Less than 12 (twelve) credit hours for part-time undergraduate students.
Postgraduate students must complete the following number of credit hours per semester:
- A minimum of 9 (nine) credit hours for full-time postgraduate students.
- Less than 9 (nine) credit hours for part-time postgraduate students.
Undergraduate students may complete the following maximum number of credit hours per semester:
An undergraduate student may register for a maximum of 19 (nineteen) in any spring or fall semester and a maximum of 6 (six) in any summer or winter term.
Postgraduate students may complete the following maximum number of credit hours per semester:
A postgraduate student may register for a maximum of 12 (twelve) credit hours in any spring or fall semester and 6 (six) credit hours in any term of six weeks.
You can do a double major, but you must satisfy the entry requirements of both majors and take all the courses required for both majors. The total number of credits to complete the two majors can be no less than 30 credits above the number of credit hours in the major with the greater number of required credits.
You should discuss the options with your Academic Advisor. If you decide to proceed, you need to complete a Change Major Form for approval by the Dean of your College.
Undergraduate students
If a student’s CGPA drops below 2.0 after completing at least 30 credit hours, they will be placed on academic probation in the following semesters until the CGPA reaches 2.0 or higher. As long as the student remains on probation, they will be limited to 12 credit hours per semester.
Postgraduate students
If a student's CGPA drops below 2.0 at postgraduate professional diploma level, and 3.0 for other postgraduate programs, they will be placed on their first academic probation in the following semester. If, at the end of the semester in which the student was placed on their second academic probation, they fail to satisfy the required CGPA, the student will be dismissed from Abu Dhabi University.
An overall CGPA of 2.00 or higher is required at undergraduate level. An overall CGPA of 2.00 or higher is for postgraduate professional diploma level and 3.00 for other postgraduate programs.
If your enrollment at ADU has been voluntarily or involuntarily interrupted for more than one regular semester, you must submit a written petition to the Office of the Registrar for re-enrollment to ADU. Your application will only be considered if you were in good academic standing when you were enrolled at ADU.
If you are a current student, you will receive an email from the Office of the Registrar within 24 hours of the transcript being ready for collection. If you are a former student, you can make a request to margie.tadena@adu.ac.ae.
You have the right to appeal your final grade in a course during the period announced by the Office of the Registrar. During the appeal process, you must meet with the following individuals, in the order listed, to discuss the matter:
- The faculty member teaching the course
- Chairperson of the Department in which the course is offered
- Dean of the College in which the course is offered
If you miss a final exam, you must submit a legitimate excuse to the Office of the Registrar within 48 hours of the exam date. If your excuse is approved, an incomplete (I) grade will be given and you should then complete the course requirements before the end of the next semester.