ADU’s College of Engineering Offers Free Computer-Aided Drawing Course

The Al Ain Campus of ADU recently concluded a free three-week Computer-Aided Drawing course for high school students. The course aimed to provide participants with comprehensive training to introduce AutoCAD, a leading industry software.

The Al Ain Campus of ADU recently concluded a free three-week Computer-Aided Drawing course for high school students. The course aimed to provide participants with comprehensive training to introduce AutoCAD, a leading industry software. The course was organized by the ADU’s College of Engineering (CoE) and was given to over 85 enrolled students from more than 22 schools.

Delivered by Dr. Abdelkareem Azo’ubi, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at ADU, the course aimed to bridge the gap between the school curriculum and the requirements of the university. It facilitated students’ understanding of ADU’s stimulating learning environment, the teaching and learning methods and the latest technological advancements that are integrated into the programs. In addition, the course provided students practice that hones the required skills to earn an engineering-related degree; a skill that is established by using one of the most essential drafting and designing tools to create engineering marvels and prototypes. 

Students who took part in the course gained a basic proficiency in AutoCAD, annotation, geometric construction, and line conventions, as well as an overview of civil engineering applications which include structural, geotechnical, and transportation. Moreover, participants who successfully completed the course not only earned a completion certificate but also developed a comprehensive skillset that enables them to meet the market needs with high-performing tools.

Dr. Hamad Odhabi, Director of ADU’s Al Ain Campus, said, “We strongly believe in working closely with educational institutions to prepare students to meet the needs of the market and inspire them to achieve their potential. At ADU, it is our duty to provide a well-rounded and forward-looking academic experience for our incoming students and we pride ourselves on supporting them with exciting opportunities that enhance their knowledge, competencies and skills.”

He added, “Since AutoCAD skills are essential to our engineering degrees, particularly in civil and mechanical engineering, we believe that this course has given young minds a glimpse into the interesting topics and disciplines that are integrated within our programs. ADU continues to help students champion their personal and professional development goals.”

The course's teaching and learning methods aimed to push students to explore engineering drawings and their various applications in life. Throughout the course, lectures, laboratory sessions, videos, and group discussions were used to facilitate the learning process.

Dr. Abdelkareem Alzo’ubi, said, “It was a pleasure to interact with students from various schools in Al Ain and observe their enthusiasm and eagerness to pursue engineering studies. We have opted to emphasize on the practical skills, critical fundamentals of geometrical construction and knowledge of engineering drawing as part of the course, using local and international industries as examples.”

The CoE offers a range of innovative undergraduate engineering programs, including Cybersecurity Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Interior Design, as well as three postgraduate degrees including Information Technology, Engineering Management, and Project Management.

In addition, two advanced concentrations have recently been introduced within the CoE; Electrical Engineering – Robotics and Automation and Mechanical Engineering – Industrial Mechatronics; both of which are amongst other programs that are accredited by Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

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