Dr. Richard Perry

Advisor Organizational Development, Management Support Office Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi

Dr. Perry first joined the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (ERWDA as it was known then) in 1999 as Head of Environmental Services. In this role, he established the Environmental Permitting function, the GIS database, and Protected Areas function for the Agency. He left in 2006 to work in Australia as Biodiversity Manager with the Mallee Region Catchment Management Authority.

He re-joined the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) in 2010 as Programme Manager for the Abu Dhabi Environment 2030 Vision, served as Executive Director for the Environmental Information, Science, and Outreach Management Sector for the Agency from 2012-2014, and then took up his current role as Advisor to the Secretary General’s Office. Dr. Perry is Chairman of EAD’s Research and Technical Committee, a position he has held since 2012, and was also Acting Head of Internal Audit for the Agency from 2015-2017. Dr. Perry has also worked on the Masdar City project as Sustainability Manager and with ADCO’s HSE Department as Senior Environmental Advisor.

Dr. Perry holds a PhD in Evolutionary Population Ecology from the University of Sunderland, UK, and a BSc in Zoology from Newcastle University, UK.

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