Welcome to the Office of Academic Integrity (OAI).
ADU takes academic honesty very seriously
Sanctions for Violations of Academic Integrity
ADU takes academic honesty very seriously, and as such, AI violations typically result in dismissal from the university with an “F” grade in the course where the violation occurred and a “Withdrawal” grade in all other courses.
In certain non-cheating violations, the following reduced sanctions may be imposed:
- Failing grade in the course where the violation has occurred and suspension from ADU for one regular semester (i.e., either Fall or Spring)
- Failing grade in the course where the violation has occurred
- Failing grade in the component of the course where the violation has occurred
- Issuance of a Warning Letter
Working in Teams or Groups
In cases of violations by a team of students working on assignments or projects (e.g., group assignments or group projects), the sanctions will be applied at the team level (i.e., all members of the team will receive the same sanction). Imposition of any sanction is subject to completion of adjudication process of the case, based on the “due process,” and after exhausting appeals.