8:30 AM -
9:00 AM
Bus Transfer from Hotel to Venue |
9:00 AM –
10:00 AM
Registration and Networking |
10:00 AM -
10:30 AM
Welcome and Opening of International Sustainability Leaders Meeting |
10:30 AM -
10:45 AM
Keynote Speech 1: Abu Dhabi as a Sustainable City |
10:45 AM -
11:00 AM
Keynote Speech 2: The Future of Sustainable University |
11:00 AM -
11:30 AM
Group photo and Coffee Break |
11:30 AM -
12:15 PM
Implementing the vision |
12:15 PM -
1:00 PM
Interactive Forum and Small Group Discussion |
1:00 PM -
2:00 PM
Networking Lunch |
2:00 PM -
2:45 PM
Sustainability Office: Roles, Issues, and Challenges |
2:45 PM -
3:00 PM
UI GreenMetric Ideation |
3:00 PM –
3:30 PM
AUCCKN Session |
3:30 PM -
3:50 PM
Closing Remarks |
3:50 PM -
4:00 PM
Vote of Thanks and Appreciation
4:00 PM -
6:00 PM
Campus Tour
Sustainability Facilities of Abu Dhabi University
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM |
Dinner |
8:00 PM -
8:30 PM
Transfer from Abu Dhabi University to Hotel |