Start your career in Innovation with an internship at Abu Dhabi University Innovate

If you are a student looking for an internship in Abu Dhabi, an internship with ADUi is your ideal starting point for a career in innovation.

If you are a student looking for an internship in Abu Dhabi, ADUi is your starting point for a career in innovation. We offer learning and initiatives across several areas with ADUi and our hosted startups and projects.

  • The Venture Lab includes five zones located at ADU's campuses in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and Dubai that serve a specific area of innovation.
  • The Networking Zones help connect innovators with the community, investors, companies, and agencies in the private and public sectors.
  • The Product-Market Fit Zones support the advancement of the Investment Readiness Level (IRL) business models, conducting market and stakeholder analysis and studying growth and sustainability as well as the financial and legal aspects of the hosted business models.
  • The Design/Prototyping/Fabrication Zones focus on each business model's Technology Readiness Level (TRL) advancement. They offer training, technical guidance, and tools to develop hardware, service, 3-D printing, software, and process proofs of concept, prototypes, and solutions in top-technology engineering and visual labs.
  • The Incubation Zones provide innovators with spaces equipped with business phones and internet access and dedicated areas where they can present their businesses, advancements, and prototypes to potential investors.
  • The Business Registration Zones host a team of experts in business registration who guide innovators in registering their businesses.

Additionally, interns with ADUi will have the opportunity to interact with international leaders specialized in sustainability, project management, growth, and TRL and IRL-driven projects to gain experience and build their professional networks.

This is the place for you if you are an ADU student searching for an internship in Abu Dhabi that will empower your employability.

If you are ready to start, contact us.

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