Original Oratory in English

The 1st Undergraduate National Public Speaking and Debate Competition

Inspiring the next generation of debaters, orators and public speakers to help build a sustainable future.

Tuesday, January 21, and Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi Campus.

You can compete in either Original Oratory in English or Original Oratory in Arabic!

National Undergraduate Public Speaking and Debate Competition

General Information

  • Showcasing your voice and passion, you will give an 8-minute speech you have written informing or persuading the audience on a topic you choose related to sustainability.
  • Your speech should include evidence for what you claim, logic that supports persuasion and emotional appeal! Your topic can have a personal connection to an experience you've had or a passion you hold close to help give strength to your argument.

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You should:

Write your own speech.  Here are a few pointers for creating a memorable speech.
  • Provide insights into the topic.
  • Get personal with the topic.
  • Can you add some humor or lightness to the topic? 
  • Quotes are great, but make sure no more than 10% of your text is quoted.
Be confident in delivering your speech.
  • That's right, notes are not allowed at all!
  • Deliver your speech in 6 – 8 minutes.  If you go over 8' 20, or under 6'you will be penalized.
Be sure your speech belongs to you.
  • Submit your speech at least one week before the competition.
  • Plagiarism technology will be used on all speeches.
  • Orator and faculty instructor must sign that the speech was written by the contestant.
Profanity and/or sexual innuendos are strictly prohibited.

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