We are a private, multi-campus university committed to providing an engaging learning environment, quality education and qualifications that are respected world-wide.
Committed to student success
Our Leadership Team
Abu Dhabi University is committed to student success, to excellence in scholarship, research, creativity and interdisciplinary teaching. The ADU Leadership Team ensures that these principles govern our priorities and influence our strategic allocation of resources. Our executive team of leaders are experts in both education and their fields of specialization. Together, they work closely with ADU’s students, faculty and staff to fulfill ADU’s mission, uphold our core values, ensure high quality academic delivery and efficiently manage operations.
Prof. Ghassan Aouad
Vice Chancellor for Financial and Administrative Affairs
Dr. Hamad Odhabi
Dean, Academic Programs for Military
Dr. Adel Salem Al-Louzi
Dean of Student Affairs
Dr. Shakib Farhat
Associate Provost of Academic Projects
Prof. Sherine Farouk
Director of Al Ain Campus, and Director of the Centre for Smart Learning
Dr. Mohammad Fteiha
Director of Dubai Campus
Dr. Anas Najdawi
Associate Provost for Research, Innovation, and Academic Development
Prof. Montasir Qasymeh
Dean, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences
Dr. Sreethi Nair
Dean, College of Engineering
Dr. Hamdi Sheibani
Acting Dean, College of Health Sciences
Dr. Sofyan Maghaydah
Acting Dean, College of Law
Prof. Dr. Talaat Mohamed Dowidar
Director of Academic Quality and Accreditation
Dr. Mohammed Parakandi
Executive Director of Community Relations
H.E. Salem Aldhaheri
Executive Director Marketing, Enrollment and Registration
Mr. Bassam Mura
Director, Business Support and Facilities
Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hai
Director, Information Management and Technology Services
Mr. Joseph Aninias
Director of Talent Empowerment and Growth Department